Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Be encouraged!!!!!!!!!!!!

I came here to share and give encouragement to those going thru. Never give up, continue to pray and let God know your need. He already knows your situation but let him hear from you, let him know you trust him, refocus your thoughts, give your cares to him, and just trust and stand. God is a healer, a sustainer, a comforter, and restorer. He will not fail you. It was when I began to take my eyes off my lack and gave it all to him that change began to happen. Let God minister to your spirit, he has a word for you, just listen to his subtle voice. It was when I desired more to hear from him is when he began to minister to my spirit. I knew he knew what I was going thru but little did I know he was working on me the whole time, as well as my situation. I give God all the glory!!!!

Stay strong sisters and brothers in the Lord. God knows all and he sees all. He is working out your situation. "YOU" already got the Victory! There are people that care also what you are going thru, team up with whom you feel led to and pray for one another like the scriptures says. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much....James 5:16

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